About Us
Dual-Aire Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. has been a locally owned and operated business since 1971.
We TRULY DO CARE about our customers. We are not here to just sell you a box or equipment, but are here to TAKE CARE of YOUR comfort needs.
When we say "We are the company with a Heart", we truly do mean it. We truly do care about you and your needs.
Our company has been in the business of taking care of our customers comfort needs since 1971. We are not one of those long-distance management type of owners. We are not owned by some huge company in another state. We are here every day, taking care of our staff and our customers...every day.
We KNOW the Oklahoma environment...the weather...the special needs that Heating and Air Conditioning has in Oklahoma.
We are active in our community. Oklahoma has been good to us and we are proud to be a part of this community. We believe that Oklahoman's are a special type of people.
Oklahoman's have a special way of doing business and we know that manner. We Oklahoman's pull together in tough times and help each other out in emergencies. That OLD concept of a neighbor that you can trust and rely upon is exactly how we want you to view us.
Meet the Staff
We have an excellent, caring staff here at Dual-aire. Some have been with us more than 15 years. And, our sales staff actually grew up in the business as a service techs., so they KNOW the systems and requirements of heating and air conditioning systems...they are not JUST salesmen.
We ALL want you to feel comfortable...in your home...and in calling us for service. We are here to serve you.
Contact Info
Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.
Email us:
Hours: Mon - Fri 8-5
Sat: please call.
8221 N. Glade, St. C
Oklahoma City, OK